Wednesday 11 March 2015

A year at Upbeat Communities

This last year we had lots of food-oriented events as part of the British Buddies and Our Food Shared Food projects. British Buddies provided English Language classes and opportunities for English speaking practice while members of different communities shared lunch together. The Our Food Shared Food Project finished in May when we launched our second book with Recipes and Reflections from around the world, available from the office.

In April we started the Step2Work Employment and Enterprise course for people from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them find work or set up their own business. The course provided opportunities to develop work related skills with mock interviews, business planning with business mentors. It also incorporated fun activities such as rock climbing to improve confidence and team work. The outcome of this course was positive for all of the participants; some found work during or shortly after the course, while others progressed into volunteering placements. We were also able to support some of the participants to start their own business. These  enterprises will be further supported by a new Business Development Co-ordinator joining the team this year.

Of course our vision is one we will only achieve in partnership with others and we work closely with other organisations to achieve this. On 21st March we are hosting "The Welcome Conference" with City of Sanctuary and Community Church Derby and hosting our annual Refugee Week events from 13th - 19th June.

We hope you can help us by coming along to one of our events, sponsoring a project or giving a few hours a month as a volunteer. In doing so you will not only be a catalyst for social change in our city, but I guarantee you will make some incredible new friends!

Louise Allen